Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bath & Body Works | New Brazil Collection Floorset Day | January 20, 2015

January 20, 2015
Today, Bath and Body Works stores are revealing their newest collection of Signature Fragrances as well as Home Collection products from the
The Brazilian Collection
•Lush Pink Dragonfruit is a luscious pairing of seductive dragonfruit & wild jungle plum
•Cool Amazon Rain refreshes you with notes of exotic starfruit & dewy bamboo
•Fresh Brazil Citrus is a sun-drenched mix of ripe citrus & sweet pineapple
And after ten days of flu, I wanted to see for myself all of this new.  Perhaps not the best of ideas but I can't let some little bug keep me from POCKETBACS!
And boy, howdy there were a TON of new.  I didn't get to take a photo of all of them....my hands were shaking terrible from being weak as the few photos I did get reflect.  The sales associate helped me grab what I wanted as I didn't want to touch anything.  And inside the tower with the pocketbacs were TONS of accessories.  Everything from new nail files, both large and small to cosmetic bags, gift bags and the little rubber travel sized bottle holders.
cosmetic bag set and quilted pb holders

The other side of the pocketbac tower was filled with the new pocketbacs.  I love these cute new doughnut and pie labels.  Perfect for Valentines day.  The sides of the tower had the new thinner and lighter weight socks on it..in adorable patterns.
Palm Beach
Heart Lollypops
Pineapple with Sunglasses
Bright Colored
Beach Chairs

The front tables looked nice, filled with the different forms of the new Signature products, but being under the weather, the scent of everything was getting to me so I will save those for later this week perhaps. The tables weren't placed across the front but off center a bit like a zigzag.... I think straight across would have looked better. The layout for me wasn't appealing.

I did try and sniff the new Brazil Candles, and its hard to tell each apart with not feeling well so I passed on getting those for today.  The candles were priced at $12.00 today...the new trend it would seem.
  I still had one of the $11.00 candle coupons left but passed on getting anymore from the Tropical Collection and the White Barn Market Collection.
I will say I was a bit disappointed in how the A frame was made up for this Market Collection.  Perhaps my store just didn't get in enough product to make it look as nice as it has for other collections....I don't know.  There were sleeves,  mason jars and 3 wicks, and minis and a few candle luminaries....canning jar like...in clear and blue...but that was it.
And it was too bad it was set so far into the store that I almost missed it.
The walls in my store had the new candles as well as a few tables did. There was plenty of color from every display and the new hand soap was the next thing to catch my eye.  Again, I will wait to try the two scents I did not yet buy until later when I can smell them.  The can labels on the room sprays looked cute and the wallflower bins were filled with many more styles than the online site offered.

There was a sale happening today on Aromatherapy and True Blue Spa items for $8.00 but my collection of those brands is full so I passed.
The scentportables had a nice large size pineapple as well as all of the others we saw online, and the new luminary was on the Brazil Candle table priced at $54.50 I think the SA told me.
There was a pedestal sort of candle holder for that collection, in the theme of Brazil and warm weather but I can't say what it cost as I was keeping my hands off of items.  I will check next time, but it was a pass for me.


These gift bags are perfect for a Valentines Day gift so I grabbed two.  $3.00 each.  There were a lot of nice gift bags available!
And this is what we will be enjoying next month...the new Signature Fragrance I mentioned last month...
Love and Sunshine.