Saturday, May 7, 2016

Fairy Garden Girl | Today's Project: Mother's Day Teacup

May 6, 2016
For my Aunt who is also my Godmother....
I wanted something simple as a gift for her this I hunted down a tea cup with beautiful pink roses { Royal Albert Moss Rose Vintage Pattern} from a man who was selling his grandmothers china pieces off individually. He told me she loved this set and he was glad it was going to someone who would appreciate the pieces as she did.
My aunt is an avid gardener, and part of her gardens years ago included hundreds of roses of all shapes, sizes and types.  She had a green thumb with them and I would tease that mine looked so-so or died, and hers were incredible.  She confided in me that she let's them do what they will...and doesn't baby them.
When she grew too old to care for the day to day daunting task of keeping the roses, she shared a few of them, with me...
Her home inside is a reflection of her love of the gardens and all thinks pink, Victorian and pretty so I thought I would try and combine the two.
I think I was successful.
I chose not to drill a hole into the bottom of the cup for drainage.  It is such a beautiful piece that I would hate to ruin the integrity of it, and the watermark on the bottom.  I was also afraid that the drill would hit the bottom too hard and shatter the bone china.
Because they are succulents and use very little water, I don't think they will be overly problematic.  If they perish, I can either refill it for her with other succulents or fill it using silk flowers.  As luck would have it, my assorted sight unseen collection of succulents ordered contained teeny types as well as one tipped with pink.
And of course...I had to add a little Fairy.