Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Bath & Body Works | New Fall Hand Soaps In Store

During a quick visit to the mall today to see if there was any sign of Halloween out in Bath and Body Works, I saw some new hand soaps start to fill in the soap wall.  



I decided to wait to get any new soaps until the wall was fully set and to see if I am blessed with a mailer coupon.  After seeing so much of what others have already found in some stores, I think this next floorset is going to have many things of interest to me.

I did ask if we would see Halloween for Monday and it could happen then so I am planning another trip to the mall next week.  Last year with the lock downs and outright concern of what was going on I missed out on going often, which caused me to miss out on many Halloween goodies.  I am still concerned, of course as we are not done with the virus, but I am much better prepared this year to be out and about.

I am surprised that we have not found any pocketbacs on social media to see the new labels for fall and Halloween.  Have you seen any out in stores in your area?

Here are a few of the New Hand Soaps I saw today...

Fall Hand Soap:

  • Redwood Apple
  • Cotton and Freesia

  • Blueberry Crumble
  • Strawberry Pound Cake
  • Pumpkin Cupcake
  • Kitchen Mandarin

This packaging on the Fall scents is not that fabulous, in my opinion.  I am a label person and the more detail there is, the more I will buy.  You don't get to own over 600 bottles with buying plain, hardly a thought kind of prints.  I am hoping moving further into fall and holiday, the design elements get more detailed.