Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Bath & Body Works | New Pink Berry Clouds Body Lotion From The Open Air Collection

While it is most likely a repackage of something we all know and love, I am looking forward to grabbing this scent, as well as the other two scents that will make up the trio in the Open Air Body Care Collection from Bath and Body Works, in stores in a week or so.  



The labels for this fall collection of scents are simple yet pretty, I hope I love the scents themselves.  With so many fragrances hitting the store now and in a week, it is safe to say there is something for everyone to try and adore.  I look forward to seeing all of your shared fragrance finds over the next week or so.  I know they will also be filled with Halloween goodies.

I am busy with something else tonight to add the rest of my finds and info -- this was just a quick posting of the new pretty in pink packaging here on the blog...rather than on Instagram.  Instagram is slowly losing its charm for me.  I have never seen so much hate for people posted as I have in the last month. Some at me, but the majority, shockingly at others.  What is happening?  I don't understand the shift in behaviors.  It cannot be jealously because everything is available for anyone to build a page and have it prosper.  Right?  In my case...those who use my work and my photos, riding my coat tails for likes and followers to then publicly bash me only make themselves look foolish.  My only advice for your jealously and hate is -  Do The Work.  I do.  I have for years. And I will continue to do so.   It is hard in itself without dealing with cruel people.  This current level of cruelty only drives me to work harder as I distance myself from those who chose that as the norm.

We are in for so many incredible things over the next few months, I am excited to share it all with you.  Stop by my blog anytime, I hope to have something new to excite you!