Friday, October 28, 2022

Bath & Body Works | Today's Purchases - October 28th, 2022

Bath and Body Works single wick candle sale drew some shoppers in my local store, and I was one of them.  My coupons for the month will expire on Halloween so rather than wait to see what other sales would happen, I went inside to use my reward and grab a few other things.

I wanted many of the pink colored single wick candles on sale but those remained online exclusives that require a code plus shipping to get.  Had I saw them in store before I arrived home and found a $902.30 oil fill up bill ...they would have been here (heating oil is priced at $5.53.9 here today, down from $5.99.9 last week). Now, I need to think about the budget before spending any more.  Like everyone, food took a huge bite out of it this week and there are a few more bills to pay.  Bath and Body Works stores are now filled up with sooo much Holiday making the stores look so festive and pretty ---- it's hard to resist grabbing everything (like I had done in years past) for Christmas gifts.  Now, I am practicing SCENTS-able Shopping.  The race to holiday has just begun and if it sells out before I get it, I did not need it.

So here is what I grabbed...

The Fine Fragrance Mist was a reward gift so that saved me $16.50

The Strawberry Snowflakes Hand Cream was an App Coupon freebie that saved me $8.50

The soaps were $3.50 each, yes I know I have 600+ bottles of soaps from the B....I use them...these are for pink themed gifts.

The pocketbac is one I missed, also Strawberry Snowflakes priced at $1.99

The single wick candle in Strawberry Snowflakes was on sale for $5.95 

So with using my 20% off coupon I got all of this for $12.64 tax included.  I appreciate the app coupons and freebies as they help stretch my spending money further to offer myself and others thoughtfully scented holiday gifts.  

My holiday bag from checkout was not this years pattern of was last years bags that were left over and made me smile.  Next week the new pattern bags will be used when the rest of Christmas 1 is set.