Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bath & Body Works | Todays Purchases | $3.00 Wallflowers

November 5, 2014
I hadn't planned on shopping at the mall today, but fortunately after my dentist visit I did get a chance to visit Bath and Body Works and grab a few of the Wallflower bulbs while they were on sale for $3.00.
And, this store had two of the ceramic snowmen candle figural that I had not yet purchased so I grabbed the little guy wearing red (tis the season) and skipped the other.  His jacket had a blue hue to it and Sparkling Icicles candle wax inside.
I grabbed the jingle bell ceramic soap holder as a freebie with that  coupon from the booklet, and ten assorted bulbs which I used a ten off of thirty coupon on.
This store happened to have the décor label wallflower in the twisted peppermint scent too!