Monday, March 11, 2024

Bath & Body Works | Collaboration Excitement & Fun Preview Coming

Bath and Body Works has been teasing us all day Sunday with snippets of their upcoming collaboration and we can expect another preview Tuesday, in preparation for a "possible" Wednesday & Thursday In Store and Online Preview For Rewards App Members of the Body Care Fragrance. 

If you are not yet a Rewards APP Member, CLICK HERE, to read what the APP offers and Join!   


I am making a list of everything that I know so far, and I will publish the details when I can.  I will say this...

Everything looks save a coupon or two to grab this new!

The candle photo that ended up on Marketplace, Facebook, My Blog, Instagram --- and everywhere is NOT the candle collection design.  It may have been a prototype and that is why everyone had to remove it.

This collection is made to look elegant.

There is one body care fragrance in this collection. Hand Soaps, Wallflower Refills, Wallflower Units, Pocketbacs ?? ( could be the $2.25 version maybe) , Pocketbac Holder, Candles in varying labels, some velvet, Candle Sleeves, Accessories...and more.