Saturday, March 30, 2024

Bath & Body Works | When The FOMO is Real...

With EVERYTHING in life.  We feel that we must have all that we see that others have...sometimes.  From Stanley to Starbucks and Bath and Body Works in between...there is a want for that.  Sadly, there are those times when things are shown on social media that literally hit some so hard that they are mad over not getting what everyone else has.

Bath and Body Works is notorious for "TESTING" stuff in random places...and it seems it is never where WE want to find it.  Social media sharers like myself show others what it is and the possible where it is...only to have chaos when the haves...have...and the always have nots, don't.

I read some comments shared this week regarding the Everyday Luxuries Fine Fragrance Mists release in select stores and what some workers were venting regarding the treatment they are getting when customers are coming in looking for the collection and their store did not get it.  It was mentioned that those that share...cause these kinds of issues.  I, beg to differ.

A friend told me what she found out in a store...seeing the items not out for sale, not knowing what they were, but gathered enough info to tell me.  I shared an archive post that afternoon stating that I did not know if it was going to be testing?? because the area found was not a typical test area but here was a list of scents we could see.  The next day I received some photos, from a different location...also not a normal testing site.  I saw more photos that led me to again post..."if these were seen, it could end up being an online item or an online exclusive."  Which meant that we ALL can get access to them.

Yes, of course, we want to see them for ourselves, in a store.  To Smell them.  Decide if we want them.  No one wants to wait for shipping or to pay that shipping cost...when everyone else HAS THEM.

Then the $4.95 mist sale hit...which made it worse for the have nots because they were NOT online yet then.  They launched online the day after that sale ended....and everyone who found them at their stores shared the where...but most could not get there in those random areas.

Some bought bunches of FFM on when more stores launched them (everyday luxuries) on March 25th with the SP3 releases they thought they could exchange them.  Some stores are refusing to accept them, or are making them pay the difference of the $4.95(for $18.95 marked FFM) they paid to the $18.95 non-sale price...changing up the return policy...and making people even more mad.

Store floorset paperwork showed the table, the scent names, how to set the table and posted a disclaimer that they were going to be SELECT stores....the store that received the products knew they would set them.  Those stores who had not also knew they would not.

I shared that info that Beveled Fine Fragrance Mists in those scent names could be coming soon...possibly/could be testing in those areas that we know of already, and/or could be an online exclusive.

Days after my list was circulated, workers saw the products in the back, realized what they were and started sharing the products photos, just not the locations.  

Everyone craves to know the next new thing....and when they seek it out --- be it on TikTok and other social sites they feel they too, must have it.

Human Nature.

But that FOMO drive does not give anyone the right to treat store workers badly because they are told they don't have it to sell...or to ridicule the sources of the info --- these same sources you will go to daily for the next reveal.  

The company chooses the places to release items using their own algorithms. What they need to add into that algorithm is their brand shoppers FOMO......and that anytime two people know a never stays a secret.

EDIT:  I was sent a note that the stores chosen for this release were some - with historic high sales of Fine Fragrance Mists.