Bath and Body Works Rewards Member APP Promo on the Easter Shea Socks began Sunday, March 3rd!
This promo was to last through 3/11 and it never made it through day one. Shea socks are such a popular item, and I guess the supply of them for this promo offering was not substantial enough for the online and in store purchases.....especially when the limit was 24 per customer. I did not make it into a store on Sunday, nor did I remember that the promo started then so I did miss getting a pair online. I was told my store, like many others in the area only received six pairs.
Honestly, that is such a missed opportunity for the store to hit sales goals with not having enough of the product to draw shoppers in. I hope that there are other socks promos coming this year and getting some Halloween themed socks would be awesome!!! Hint, Hint BBW.
Bunny and Chick Shea-infused Socks