
Bath and Body Works | New Items Release Day | Best Beach Skin | March 13, 2017

With a winter nor'easter already beginning here in Pennsylvania tonight, with 18" - 24" of snow potential tomorrow and another 3" - 5"  into Wednesday, it was a good thing I stopped by my Bath and Body Works store today for the complete release of the new Best Beach Skin Collection.  Warm weather thoughts for far away (from the snow) destinations is the perfect thing to drive the winter blues away.
So, what did I buy?
I made a list.  I make many lists but today's list sat quietly on my desk as I discovered while standing at the front entrance of the store.  Not that I needed much more mind you. I have been making small purchases over the last few days as the items became available in the wall and on a few tables. But there is something about going to the store to see it all put together to smell and try and love that makes it fun for me.
Hubby wanted to be among the tons of people in the grocery store ( we visited three "crazed people" filled grocery stores today) to grab a few things just in case we have a power outage these next few days. Silly man. After thirty years must know by now if you ask do I want to hit Bath and Body Works BEFORE the grocery store I am going to say...YES.
He stood, unamused at what he calls, my "store circles".  Truth be told I around all of the tables while interacting with the workers and others experiencing the new. I am sniffing...lifting to see prices...sniffing again... talking...walking...walking back...and occasionally grabbing a nice blurry photo. 
The wallflower table was at the center store front and there wasn't anything there I needed.  The Lavender Bundle wallflower that was online Friday was added to an order that is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.  Ain't Happening.
So I passed up any sniffing of those. 
There were Destination Candles piled on a table to the left of the entrance, and behind it was the New Signature At the Beach fragrance table.  Lovely scent, just not for my body chemistry. The At the Beach was priced $7.00 today. 
Quick diversion....ok, rant.  What is up with the pricing craziness?  Come on.  $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 online for all Fragrances yesterday...yet today, in store for the new release of the Paradise Scents ---- buy three get two free.  Last night, Online, really all day...the signature items were priced $6.00 and I loaded a few of the new in the cart to get...but I thought let me support my local store....and I waited.  Today, NO SALE IN STORE.  And yes, I know B3G2 is a sale...but maybe I don't want five items...maybe I want two...or three.  Why should the "testing" stores be the only ones permitted to offer the new at great pricing, but when they come out for the rest of us...its more?  Yes, I know...they test what we will buy and what we will pay...I am just stating out loud what every one is thinking....  CUT IT OUT already. 
So there the beautiful new packaging sat on a table...sniffed...touched...loved...and put back. 
There were aromatherapy tables scattered around the store and they too looked inviting.  I have plenty so I passed on the sniffing...(smiling).
Behind the wallflower huge front display was the Paradise Collection scents tables, situated longwise, and they all looked very inviting.
Behind that was the huge White Barn Candle table and that is where the few Easter items were scattered. Lots of cuteness...with the Rabbit three wick Ceramic candle holder and Rabbit Ceramic bowl. 
A few things to mention about those items.  The Rabbit three wick Ceramic Candle holder was priced at $19.50 in the store.  Friday, online it appeared for $10.50.  I thought oh boy...maybe that is the smaller, mini candle holder because there is one of those but in case my store only gets two large holders in and they get sold I am going to grab one with my order.  The bowl was not available online.  It would seem, that was a pricing error online.  One that I think after three days, has been corrected.
If your getting them in store...the ceramic pieces...check them out well.  They are ceramic and not perfect.  Check the glazing, and for the little bowl...check for it to be as round as possible.  The first one I had in my hands had a flat, not circular back to the bowl.  They are sized well to hold a bottle of hand soap but if I want to use it for other things I wanted it to be as round as possible.
The bowl is priced at $10.50.
The Rabbit three wick candle holder base is a tight fit for regular candles.  I tried the three wick ribbed candle and it will NOT fit, not even close.  It rubs against the rabbit and won't fit into the base.  Which concerns me when the candle gets hot, will it crack the rabbit?
Things to think about.
While I am thinking of heat, candles and bad results...An IG poster I share a lot jakesmart395 purchased the large, pineapple luminary with the gold fronds at the top $44.50 and he shared a photo of what happened to the gold fronds when the candle burned.  The gold started peeling off of the white glaze.   I passed on getting that only because I loved that lamp in Marshalls better and thought I may get that lamp and have more use for it.
Okay...back to the floor...  close to the cash wrap,  there was a long el-shaped table set with the ribbed (ridged) candles, the large Pineapple Luminary, the Pineapple Hand Soap Decanter and some soaps.  Those ribbed candles sparkled with the lights on the iridescent jars and were very attention grabbing. The candles, it would seem were NOT on sale today.  The marketing set had to be pulled because of the change...but, someone missed a sign.  :)
The hand sanitizer mists were suppose to be on sale, but that sale of $3.00 was also pulled, so I passed on the $5.00 regular pricing.
Speaking of marketing, the store was Noticeably bedecked with WHITE BARN signage everywhere.  Not the true wooden signs seen in WHITE BARN stores,  these were folded paper to look like those, but still a much noticed upgrade to the regular blue marketing at Bath and Body Works.
There was a bit of aggravation for me in the store, the second time in two weeks...being told something that is never right and it makes me question what the heck is going on sometimes..... and I had to later call customer service to confirm what I already knew...and was confirmed for the store...but it was bothersome.  And annoying...and I will leave it at that.  I just want to shop, where all of the stores are all on the same page.
I purchased:
1- rabbit three wick holder $19.50
2- rabbit bowls $10.50 each
3- neon colored pocketbac holders $1.00 each
2-pink sands and petals ribbed three wick candles $26.50 each
2- sugarcane pineapple ribbed three wick candles $26.50 each
1- canvas Rabbit drawstring bag $6.50
1- metal three wick rabbit and eggs sleeve $10.50