Monday, June 20, 2022

Bath & Body Works | Q & A

This post is in response to recent emails with questions.   And with some stores starting to put out fall hand soaps and the candles from the list I had shared, I thought I would start with that question first.

Re: Fall Soaps and Candles.  Not all stores will be setting those new candles in the walls yet.  Some stores may have sold down enough semi-annual sale product and their district managers have given them the go-ahead to do so.  Some stores could be setting them now in test store areas too.  That launch of Summer 3 and Fall Preview will happen soon.

My store has nothing fall related out.  They had only two Christmas candles received for sale and they were gone before they went 75% off.  We didn't have 75% off candles here.

Re: Fun Far Body Care.  If you saw my previous post, that collection with Bubblegum Pop, Orange Vanilla Twist...etc. pricing went to $4.95 now from half off, plus there is a 20% off coupon available making it a pretty good price.  I have a few other photos to look at to add for additional in store price changes that I didn't get to yet.

Re: Halloween Info.  I am updating the post I made as I get info.  Backroom photos hitting social media is showing the stores are getting the products.  How some have purchased a few things, I have no idea since they will flag that sale.  The paperwork mentions not to set anything before 7/18 so many stores will stick to that.  Of course, like we see the fall out in a few already, those stores could also add Halloween earlier. 

Re: New coming out earlier.  The SAS sale hitting the stores earlier than expected leads me to think there are changes coming so I would not be shocked if the SAS sale keeps reducing prices to move it out quicker....and new hits the shelves. 

Re: The Rewards App is rumored to go wide soon.  I have heard that mentioned online but nothing of substance in the way of a confirmation.  Some speculate that it could be the reason why the app was once more updated.  When I shared the news about a rewards app coming initially years ago, in what feels like a hundred years ago now, it was thought to be for everyone then.  It has been one disappointment after another in waiting for it to be all inclusive, so when it does happen...I will believe it then.

Re: More Stores going BOPIS.  More areas are starting to offer that pick up service locally for online orders but my area stores were left off of the list sadly.  I would suggest checking with your store to see if they began the training process.

Re: My returning to Instagram.  As of now, I have no plans to return to sharing Bath and Body Works information and photos to my IG page @lifeinsidethepagedailyfinds  The page is deactivated.  

I prefer sharing things on my blog...with links of posts on my Lifeinsidethepage   Facebook Page.

Two things about my sharing on the blog since it was brought up to me.  I am getting emails, and messages, asking me where I am sharing because people are confused - which is surprising.  When asked why is there confusion, one lady showed me how my photos are again being credited in two places.

I have shared for many years.  And those who take my photos, lists, and work know where they got the info from yet they never credit it right.  I see credit for others done perfectly.  Not me.

I am not LITP.  no one knows what that please don't use that in reference to me.

I'm not NMP (not my photo)   You came and screenshot the photo, share where.

I'm Not Life Inside.  

And when doing IG Lives because people are asking in comments where is my blog, to tell them to look it up on Google?   Come on.  You know where it is to come get the info to use, be kind enough to tell them where.

It is not hard.   or

I am not on Instagram to use a (hashtag)  #lifeinsidethepage or #lifeinsidethepagedailyfinds  Those aren't my blog.

There is a @lifeinsidethepage  on IG as a placeholder with a link to my blog - a hashtag does not help anyone.

And a comment made - You visiting here is Paying my Bills?  

I don't receive anything from people coming to visit this page and reading all I share.  It's free.  

YouTube and Instagram REELS pays that account when you watch the reel...with nothing to click.  YouTube also pays when the ads are watched.

I've never monetized my IG page with Reels, only this blog has a few ads.  And if you click on the ad to save yourself some money, I may get a penny.  Yes, that is it. I have been asked, but have declined affiliate and sponsor programs.  I share to share.  That's it.  And those pennies that I may earn help cover all the expenses I have for doing all of this. 


 Re: Return policy changes.  From what I have heard, the policy is the same as it was.  There could be some tweaking happening that we will see this year.  Honestly, how could it not change a bit.  People are buying items on SAS to later return for new releases. The empty candle jar return fiasco had to be addressed already....and all of the other not normal return practices that have been allowed because of the " we want you to love it" policy.  

So, some stores may be doing their own thing regarding returns and I think that is because of the pressure they have to produce and they don't want to lose out with returns.  I am not saying their doing that is wrong or right, I would be sure I know what the policy is and be prepared with all of the required receipts before making a return.

I try not to return things.  There are plenty of items I have that I bought without smelling in store (wearing a mask) that I smelled later and don't care for.  I can resell them, gift them to my sisters, or donate. 

And finally, I have been asked do I know what's next.  I will work on a list later or tomorrow as time allows.