Life Writings | Regarding Facebook - Reposting From 9/14 +

I have been receiving emails to both of my accounts asking what has happened to my Life Inside the Page Daily Finds Facebook group.  I guess there are many who didn't know what happened on 9/14 so I will re-post the postings from that horrible day below, with a few more thoughts.

To be honest, I am still mad as h&ll at what happened.  That is as polite as I can be to express my feelings here but know, I have other words.  I know it is just a platform...go get another one and hush up.  There is more to it than that.  And tomorrow being the anniversary of our daughters death is not helping.  

Whomever decided to remove the LITP group....targeted that group not me.  But with it, they took a dozen other groups I had that y'all may not have known.  It was mentioned in the Violation notation it was for spamming.  Meaning someone joins my group...I share links to the info...and they use that to report it...maybe it dinged...or popped up that there was info.  I don't know exactly, but with the amount of haters who brag about doing stuff to could be anything.  The group was public.  No need to join anything, the info is there to see.  People join to be notified....

But with the removal of LITP ----Then they took my personal group of 17 years that had tons of photos and info shared.  Unbeknownst to others, there were other Moms out there who I talked with over the loss of their children.   Erased.

And my photos ----- I am mad over the photos....that cannot be replaced.  I'm not talking B&BW pics.....I mean my LIFE.

I am devastated that they went into our daughters FB page and removed ALL OF HER content...and posted one crappy photo and took control of it....I cannot access it to fix it.  Removing access to her friends to comment as they have been for years after she was gone.

We were both erased.  Gone.  

I could --- Get a new account.....Adding FB friends back is no easy task.  NO ONE looks in their other folder.  No one believes you to add you back.  No groups will let me back in because I have a NEW account with no info in it...because some one took it all.

So I sit and I want to bother with all that again?  Not just the group LITP, which I loved to share to keep people connected with the info, and personal things.  But Do I WANT TO start over on FB.

 I don't know yet.

The Instagram page of mine LITP is still there....yes, I removed the content, but the messenger is open and people write to me everyday.

Did someone simply hack me and do this....???  Why target the LITP group.   And for those who I read LOVE to say in FB and Reddit postings, I deserved it for sharing info....can you get any lower???  No say that...but when I looked YOU SAVED ALL MY INFO on your pages and SHARE my info in FB groups you're in.    Low.

I don't think it was a simple thing.

I have suspicions after a few chats.  

My presence was erased on that platform ... and I put my faith in a higher power to figure it out .... because nothing is ever really --- A secret.

Stay turned to my posts...if I start a new page, it will be a private group this time....I will add a link...if I do it....


Life Writings | Facebook 


Posting this to slow down the hate posts of speculation...which will still happen....

I woke to the two messages from Facebook regarding the pending suspension and deletion of my Life Inside The Page Daily Finds Facebook Page due to spamming. (sharing links to my blog?? and people who joined reported me??)   I shared the messages in that group page.

I have received messages like those before that I thought were hacking and I ignored them....and then got a four day suspension for a certain collab pocketbac holder recording.  Then, it suspended not only the LITPDF public group page, but also my personal page.  So I took it seriously.

After finding the message today, I went into the section to file an appeal and hesitated on sending it....took care of other things....thought about deleting/deactivating it myself, or waiting to see what would happen....and made lunch.

My husband thought I should file the appeal before I lose the page.   Wrong choice.

Everything was removed. Every access to everything I had.   All of the group pages I had, which can be replaced as a page, but tens of years of content can't.....but the worst devastation for me now is the loss of my personal page with all of the photos of my daughter that were saved well as the other family who have passed.  I had hundreds of albums filled of life. now lost.  Very upsetting beyond the words I can type. 

Was it Facebook???  I am not sure.  When I tried to log in, there was a message telling me I lost FB because of a IG suspension with some random name and a photo of some woman.  When I tried to log in again, it said the page was suspended.

I am assuming it was a hack by some  &^%$MF!  And not because I shared info that I do....which I see is already the leading gossip.  Well, it could be some &^%$#MF!  who hated me because I share and didn't much care for my attitude...But I don't think it was anything  BBW at all.  Just another &^%$#! ..  or FB.  



Note: Spread the word the blog is still here   (IG is still there and open....empty of content but access to messages is open)  and the info will continue to be shared here on the blog.  If I have to sky write it, or launch carrier pigeons, I am going to do all I can to hold onto it.  I've changed passwords here too, and short of posting killer attack dogs, I am doing what I can.  Plus backing up content to move it if necessary.

Facebook is not very helpful  --- shocker.



Note: Losing the Facebook Life Inside The Page Daily Finds was bad.

Losing my Facebook Pages - Devastating, over the loss of all of the connections, and photos....

Two weeks before the anniversary of losing Angeline, those &^%$#MF! 's...removed her Facebook Page too.