
Bath & Body Works | Smart Soap | Victorias | Instagram and White Barn

July 14, 2014

While shopping this weekend I did grab another Smart Soap Dispenser in Red this time as a gift for my sister. I was talking with the sales associate who asked me which I purchased and if I liked it.....and I mentioned my sister and that she loves red accessories in her kitchen and I turned around and she was standing behind me. AGAIN.   She chose the Kiwi scent soap as her refill.  I need to get one for my brother too for a housewarming gift. I am thinking the stainless look.

I know these are out in stores and I have posted about them last week but someone private messaged me on my Facebook page and asked are these too big for a kitchen or bathroom sink so I wanted the picture to give perspective.

I do post a lot of things on my Facebook daily that may not get posted in a blog right away so it's another place to check for information and coupons.

I grabbed six more hand soaps for the machine for myself while they were on sale in hubby's favorite kitchen lemon scent.  Let's hope there are fall and holiday scents too!!  So far they seem to be stacking well for storage. I bought six and used a survey and they cost me $3.67 each.

You can see my kitchen lemon pump gentle foaming hand soap next to my white Smart Soap dispenser and it is a bit bigger and wouldn't work on my upstairs bathroom sink because its a small single, but it works well in my kitchen.

I stopped back in Victoria's Secret and grabbed my niece a Pink scent fragrance for her gift box and got her another dog cup.  And inside was another coupon for free panty.

This past week I was able to post almost all of the new Fall Test Scent Candles Photos thanks to the kindness and generosity of fellow fragrance fans from Facebook and Instagram.  In a world where we all want to be first at something it was humbling that women I don't even know sent me messages and photos and told me to share. 

Thank you seems inadequate but it does come with heartfelt meaning behind it.  I loved their sharing their trip in photos with me and permitting me to share on my blog and Facebook pages.  I don't have a White Barn store near me, which is probably a good thing....  :)  But these pictures give us all a peek into that store.

For those who wanted to stay anonymous I appreciate your thinking of me....and I won't forget your kindness.

And to those who shared from Instagram -- I appreciate you and I am glad to share your links--be sure to go check out their pages too. These are just a few photos that were shared.....




I tried to make sure I marked each photo with the name of who shared it and you can view them here:

In Photo Albums on Facebook

On the Blog - Fall Test Pics

Well, my two boxes from my online order of the new fall candles just arrived so I am off to open them....