Monday, July 28, 2014

New Candle Line Information | Boxed like last years Ski Lodge

July 28, 2014

A girlfriend and I were just talking about candles and she mentioned to me that she got to see a new candle today in a beautiful box that reminded her of last years SKI LODGE line of candles.  Remember those...priced at $30.00 each and were the best smelling candles ever?

We both loved that Wine Cellar candle and anytime there is a chance to see that candle again...we are there.

So I made a few calls and found out that yes, there is a new line  of three wick candles coming out....

A more feminine version than last years Ski Lodge Line....and there should be six candles....

So far, there are three names she had for me:

❥Master Bath
❥and one other the stores SA couldn't remember the name of but she remembered it was a Lavender scent.

She also mentioned that one scent was returned so they didn't expect that would be in stock.

The price is the same as it was last year : $30.00
and she wasn't sure they would be included in any upcoming candle sales.

They are coming out next Monday.

I just wanted it put out there in case there are any lovers of the bit pricey you know to look for them next week.  Some stores may have them out earlier.

And should I get photos I will be sure to post.  I am so grateful my friend mentioned what she saw....because we never know what's new coming out....until we see it.
