Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Department: Beauty | Fairy Tale Shower Smoothie | Ulta Pumpkin - Apple - Ginger Cookie

July 29, 2014
After spending time in the yard doing the lawn and gardening today for hours today, I certainly can use a hot shower and a scented something to bring me back to life.  Don't get me wrong, I love the outdoors, but goodness I am not a fan of smelling like gasoline and grass.
Good thing I chatted with my friend again for a few minutes earlier....because she checked out a favorite beauty blog of ours...Musings of a Muse and today Miss Muse had a great bit of information that will wash away all of my stinky blues.
Just in time for fall, Ulta has come out with a few  Fairy Tale Themed Shower Smoothies and Body Care Products 
Just look at those fun names! 
Once upon a time...Ginger Cookie Collection
Fairest of them all...Apple Cobbler Collection
Clock struck midnight...Pumpkin Latte Collection
Currently they are priced at $12.00 each and they are on a Buy one item and get another free.  And when you use code: 204252 you can save an additional $3.50...{which helps pay a bit towards shipping if your not spending $50.00}
As soon as I saw those, I remembered I had a $15.00 gift card from Ulta so that, combined with my $3.50 savings and buy one get one free...I was able to get a ginger cookie scrub and smoothie...a pumpkin latte smoothie....and an apple smoothie....all for $13.04 out of pocket.  I can't wait to get them and review them.
So for now...it is a Strawberry Smoothie shower for this girl....then off to make dinner....