Thursday, December 29, 2016

Department: Beauty | Walmart Winter Beauty Box

Walmart Winter Beauty Box
I received my Walmart #walmartwinterbeautybox #beautybox on December 23rd and have been using and loving the items since but I thought I shared what came in mine then. I guess with Christmas I forgot to post.  Reviews of each to come. This is a must try!
So here is what came:
POND'S #ponds #pondsrejuvenessantiwrinklecream
COVERGIRL #covergirl #covergirllashblastvolumemascara
Aveeno #aveenoactivenaturalsdailymoisturizingbodyyogart
Curel US #curelhydratherapywetskinmoisturizer
Dove #dovegofreshrevitalizebodywash #nutriummoisture
Dove #doveadvancedhairseriesintenserestorationmask
Dove #doveadvancedhairseriesquenchabsoluteshampoo
Dove #doveadvancedhairseriesquenchabsoluteconditioner