
Holiday Smile

Twas the Monday before Christmas and all through the store
Many creatures were stirring looking for gifts and much more
The candles still sat on the shelf with much care
In the hope of a sale before Christmas to share

The cashiers were all snuggled at the registers with woe
As the lines they grew longer out the door they did go
And me with my big blue bag did I fill
With gifts for so many to love and to thrill

When on social media there arose such a clatter
Over coupons now ceasing with savings that matter
Away to my app I flew like a flash
Reading comments a many about losing their cash

I set down my purchase to my computer I did go
To write a new blog post explaining this woe
More rapid than reindeer on social media they came
And I whispered and laughed and called each one by name

On Twitter, on Insta, On Facebook you too
On Tmblr and SnapChat everyone saying Boo Hoo.
The companies decision on this they did make
At checkout now only a receipt we will take

So the email and post those two coupons will come
But for many of us this change is so dumb
You wish for my money a sale I do need
And coupons on top so make note and take heed

Crowded stores you do want a quite welcoming sight
Saving money we want as funds are always so tight
We love you and want to smell good all the time
But no savings results a new store we will find
