Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Bath & Body Works | Holiday '24 - The Return Of SHEEPIE!

Bath & Body Works | Holiday '24 - The Return Of SHEEPIE! 

Old school Bath and Body Works aficionados will remember back to the days of when Sheepie and her friends graced the Gingham Walls and made their way into the hearts, and homes of those who shopped for comfort during that Holiday time.  Many of us still have them tucked away somewhere...pulled out randomly when looking for something else...only to then be returned to their sleepy, sheepie slumber...until the next time found.

If you happen to stop now at the Bath and Body Works Holiday 1 floor set - shopping for the new, New, check out the AROMA table to see if SHEEPIE is still available for adoption.  

Priced at $59.95, this SHEEP is much larger than the small versions offered years ago.  Yes, she's got an upgrade...in size and price...and she is ready to be adopted.  (she's a sell-able decor piece, but we all know, there is no price on the comfort this little sweetie gives.)

Happy Slumber...