Bath & Body Works | IG Suspension - Again

Today, I noticed that IG suspended another one of my pages...a Bath and Body Works page of information.  Removed because of the name it read.  With 172 days to appeal it, if I wished, but inaccessible to anyone including me from now on.

Other pages of mine there were also removed one by one.  

Me thinks someone is trying to tell me something.  I am thinking a higher power... ha ha

So if you have an IG name say: Bath And Body Works ---whatever.... their Ai will seek and destroy?  Because I am seeing plenty of Bath and Body Works named accounts still using that name prefix not being removed.

I still haven't decided if I am going to open a new FB group for the public with information.  I don't know if I want to go through all of the time to redo a page when it seems that is what was targeted and lost before.  Maybe I will do just YouTube....Or a FB chat.    I am not sure.  But I am thinking about it.  All the info is still on the blog.  

Check the Holiday Archive update daily because I add to it...even when there seems to be nothing new posted.  And today I added a post of the upcoming sales.

For now I am off to spend more time outdoors with hubby... it's our 37th anniversary.  Yes, I am that nice someone stayed with me that long....Shocking...I know.