December 19, 2013
Pocketbacs: Destination Edition December 2013-January 2014
On a spur of the moment trip to a Bath & Body Works out of town I picked up my Velvet Sugar Phone order special and looked around to see what was new. Of course the store is filled with customers now and the shelves are looking a bit picked over but I took the chance to ask the Assistant manager about the new pocketbacs that should have been out.
She agreed after looking over at the wall where they are housed and she went into the back and grabbed me a few that she had. My quick thoughts follow the names and keep in mind that these are mixed with alcohol so it distorts the scent a bit)
Here is what I grabbed:
CHICAGO- wildberry ( I love the sweet of this one and hope this also becomes a scent in a larger pump bottle. definitely sweet berries)
HAWAII -aloha (I hope that they put this scent in the larger pump bottle as I love its floral notes. it reminds me of a perfume I have smelled but the name eludes me. love this scent!)
VEGAS - fruit punch (it's a lighter candy sweet fruit punch scent)
LONDON - cherry (sweet cherry Nyquil smelling on my hands now)
ROME - lime ( definitely lime scented and nice. reminded me of summertime {while the ground here is white of snow)
PARIS - berry ( in smelling this I am getting a hint of citrus in with the berries. it's nice but I wouldn't stock up on it)