Sunday, June 6, 2021

Bath & Body Works | Semi-Annual Sale Shopping Tips and Tricks

Bath & Body Works | Semi-Annual Sale Shopping Tips and Tricks

 My Bath and Body Works Tips and Tricks for Shopping Semi-Annual Sales

Tip Number one---BE KIND TO OTHERS>>>AND THE STORE WORKERS.  They dread this sale as much as we dread standing in a line.  The smallest, best thing we can do while shopping is be kind.

Check Your Stock / Inventory of Bath and Body Works items.  Hand Soaps, Hand Sanitizers, Body Care, Home Fragrance, Accessories.  Those items that you will be searching in store for a GREAT PRICE.   See what you have by making a list...on a piece of paper so it is in front of you when you hit the doorway running into the sale.  Sure, you can add it to your cell, but friends, you will need both hands free to hold the shopping bag, and LOAD up from the tables.  A list will help you NOT forget.

Put your candle wants on one side of the paper, and body care on the other.  Know what you are looking for because it is super easy to get distracted with customers, and tables full of products...calling to you.  Oh, they call...we all have heard them call.  " I'm over here, come buy me."

Know this -- Not everything IN STORE will be on sale.  Don't expect that since it is JUNE SAS all wallflowers will ring at $3.50 sale pricing.  I saw the lists and there will be tons of items NOT sale it older, or newer.  Watch the register while they ring, and if it is not coming up like other like items do, know it may not be on sale.  The same goes for candles...the walls will get filled up with new items to help hide the sell down, but those items will / may come out at sticker price.

Know your budget...if you have one.  Knowing how much you want to spend will help later with NOT having buyers regret.  I know I have had sticker shock at the register when that BIG OLE TOTAL came up.  I was like, did I put all of that into my bag?

I don't yet know if there will be any kind of mailer coupon, or online coupon.  Make your list out as if there isn't one to know your limits.  If we get one--even better.

Visit as many stores on the FIRST day as you can easily do, if you wish.  First week sales are always the best in some areas. Some areas have many stores close to each other and with more stores, you stand a good chance to see more variety of products.  I have one in town and one out of town.  I haven't shopped the out of town store for more than a year since the lock down happened.  I may stick to one store only.

Plan out your store visits.  Find out what time each store opens ( if you plan to visit more than one ) and write it DOWN!!!  These semi-annual sales are our SUPER BOWL and I know my eyes tend to glaze over with so much many different prices...and a bunch of other people all running for the same stuff.

Check out my postings on New scents coming and add to your list which items from those collections you may want.

Know that Pricing can vary from one collection to another...I will update my price lists as I hear but pricing on all products is always subject to change...

If you are going to the store after the 75% off items, Hit that table first...because everyone else will be.
If you go expecting to see 75% off candles, don't be disappointed to find nothing that I may have shared at that price.  Not all stores will have the same inventory...and employees do get first pick ( I know mine do as one worker told me so - that's why I never look---- because they "don't get any in" can mean they don't, or they are gone already )

You may find MOS ( marked out of stock ) items on your receipt.  These could be customer returns, or items that have been cleared out after a few times on sale...  It is possible the cashier may have missed pulling that from your order...or if they see it...they could pull it.  Don't be upset either way.

Sometimes those ONE DAY ONLY or first few days Special savings pricing ends after a few days so grab them if you want it.  

There is a one time price adjustment available within 14 days of purchase should something you bought now have a much lower price.  Keep in mind that is a bit of work on the cashier who will be overwhelmed daily with lines at the checkout.  You will only need to bring in your receipt for that adjustment, not the items.

Online SAS shopping MAY start early...and the pricing online is never the same as in stores.  Plus, with early shopping online, you can end up with an item cancelled if it sold out early in the morning.  And we don't know how long shipping will take since the factories have yet to catch up with the reduction in workers.  

Think ahead of what you may need for a gift, and write that down.  You never know what will show up in store that could take care of that, at a good price.

If you need a cello bag, or tag, or even CANDLE CRATES stop by the store this week and with your purchase ask for those will be easier when the store is not busy to get them.
Try and enjoy the experience of shopping the sale, and don't let the lack of anything you really wanted to see, ruin it on you.  This sale will Segway us into the beginning of Fall items so there is always something good when that launches in July...  And then it will be holiday time!

I Look forward to seeing all of your hauls on Facebook and Instagram...and remember even one item you found and love is a haul too!  No need to buy more than you need, can afford, or can enjoy.

One week to go!  Then it's Yellow Duckie Bag Time!