Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Bath & Body Works | When It Comes To Floor Sets, It's All About Location, Location, Location...

​With Semi-Annual Sale nearing the end, and Fall Previews sneaking out everywhere, you may be wondering WHEN will we ALL see Fall in our stores?



I know exactly how you feel - I am hearing about so many different Summer 3 Floor Set dates because it seems to change region by region.

At first, I was told was we could see new in stores beginning July 6th - 11th. The new reveal should be on Monday, July 12th.  That makes sense since the SAS coupon expires on the 11th, so this new floor set could be set in small sections a little at a time over the course of a few days.

I was told by others whose stores got the go ahead that they will set some things later this week. Their stores are selling down on SAS items and their regional and district managers said yes to stores who have sold down Semi-Annual Sale merchandise.

Most stores could set the New Aromatherapy Body Care Collection.  And my store had that collection out yesterday, so that is a step in the right direction.  It was the only sign of Fall life in my store so far and I was happy for it.

The release of Fall candles is by region and inventory levels BUT the official set for Candles is for July 11th for the 12th.  

And there are a few different Body Care Collections to come, and we may see them trickle into the walls and tables within the next week or so.  Fingers crossed.

Yes, We have all seen people sharing on social media that their stores have HALLOWEEN candles out already and people are buying them!!!

And that fall collection of candles are shown in some stores...and on Ebay and Mercari for sale - as well as New body care is for sale on Mercari should you want it now.  Could these all be test stores???  Stores selling early?   Or just stores who have sold down their SAS?  When will we see Halloween set? I think Halloween could come a bit later in July but I am okay with it happening sooner.

So many questions...so few answers.  I know, I know.  It's hard not having concise information but like real estate...it would seem it is all about...location, location, location.

I hope they allow stores to begin to fill the emptiness from sale up with new fall and consolidate the SAS to tables back by cash wrap to finish it up. Many are waiting for those last collections to hit 75% off to grab what they want, so let's do it already and get this fall party started.