Thursday, June 17, 2021

Bath & Body Works | Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.




Recently, I shared a blog post where I talked about the perpetual Semi Annual Sale unhappiness topic, --  resellers and those who clear off an entire table -- and year after year it is the same unhappiness for people... and after all that I wrote...I see some...some, still are sharing that good ole hate for me over MY perspective on this subject...that was shared here on MY page.  

Not an obscure comment somewhere in a Facebook group or another social place trying to stir up some crap.  This place, my blog space, is where I clicked the keys and wrote...without the protection of anonymity because my name is on here, and my thoughts on that topic. 

Dragging me and my name to my favorite of all places...REDDIT 

(which makes me laugh because of the play on words and apparently those complaining didn't red' it or perhaps didn't comprehend the words that were coming from my keys.) 

and inserted me into another persons upsetting post over resellers taking all of the sale items and their hate of them.  

I am no longer on REDDIT social site..YAY!!!  Too toxic for me and I am pulling back my social accounts as many long time sharers have been doing recently. 

I see these things and sometimes wonder if there is a subject out there on the social platforms that they can't find hate for me in that they need to bring me up and include me as part of it.  

I mean people are sharing their "thoughts" on their stores inventory and lack there of and the same old haters who aren't very "observant"  write, " I just finished reading a blog post by that daily finds person taking up for him saying workers should be thankful and customers basically should be ashamed for being upset.  I definitely unfollowed quick btw."       Then a "pumpkin'" jumps in and a "blooming" and it becomes a petri dish.

Um, I never said anything about customers should be ashamed...I think you are projecting your own issues and thoughts, which are not positive it would seem...because there was no basically or inferring that.  

 My post was nothing more than another perspective -  a way of thinking - on why people buy up things...and resell things. You know that resellers aren't MURDERERS...right?  Because your lynch mob mentality is scary,

The way you all talked was like you wanted them jailed.  Oh, and saying you want BBW to do some kind of recourse on me legally and to ban me from all of the stores is so nice too, thanks love.  What a lovely community this is...  And you say I am snarky?  Who made me snarky...

And once I am mentioned - then the parade of trolls who Love, Love, Love, me all start with their sharing of words.

And I am the asshole. Eh, I have been called worse.

I can't count how many people are complaining about SAS and those who buy bags full.  

The posts land in my email feed and I saw them ---and on my where on their writings, I shared MY thoughts on my blog...that maybe they could need the money for their family, they could want to resell it and make money, they could buy for small stores...and they could buy for charitable donations.  Clearing out all of the old stuff makes room for new and makes it easier for workers who have to keep lugging the unsold stuff to Box Up, so wouldn't that make workers happy???  And the store managers who bonus out on sales??   As a manager, i would be happy.

So you know... this isn't "crying".  Ha Ha. My writing of words...because that is what they were saying too.  "I cry over everything including people talking shit about me....making myself victimhood...whatever the hell that is."    

I cry over humanity and what it has become.  That is cause for crying.  This troll behavior makes me shake my head...

And for all of the years that I share I am told I'm always "acting" better than everyone in this community."   

Your perception of my writings is YOUR choice.  You chose how to understand what I fit your own narrative of any particular subject.  Because of your continued hate of me, a total stranger to you, you bend and contort those impressions of my words to fit in with the troll behavior you make happen.  I don't pretend to be better than anyone...I share what I know about a brand I follow.  You come to read about it and throw stones at the person sharing.  Stop being surprised when the stones get thrown back.


Today's visit to Bath and Body Works netted me three more bottles of fine fragrance mist.  And from Monday until today, four days later, my store has emptied out substantially.  Gone are most of the mists...not only from the 75% off table...but everywhere.   I may have to order a few that are online still since I forgot them on Monday's visit when everything was filled up.


Store Updates that COULD happen -

75% OFF New Additions for Friday, June 18th

  • Pretty as a Peach Body Care ( Old Packaging)
  • Sweet Pea Body Care ( Old Packaging)
  • Aromatherapy Wild Wellness Body Lotion,Body Wash
  • Easter Accessories
  • Easter Gifts
  • Easter Hand Soap
  • Easter Single Wicks
  • Select Room Sprays

Retired Fragrances and Tropical Fragrances moving to $5.95 pricing.

Sale Candles $12.95