Monday, April 18, 2022

Bath & Body Works | How A Pickle Got Out Of The Fridge And Into Some Wax

Where I once shopped in store daily, my visits now are fewer as time allows.  Caring for my father in law, and other life responsibilities does fill up the day...then add in the ever growing sick numbers in my area does contribute to how many shopping days out.

And most times when I am in store and someone comes in and asks for something is usually something past...and no longer offered in store.  Sometimes I am asked about a scent and if I know, I share. So today when I went shopping looking for the Happy Easter Hand Cream that did not come out here, yet, but was shared on Reddit over the weekend...I over heard and was then asked about something that I did not know about.

A customer came in asking for a Bath and Body Works Pickle Candle.  She has a person who loves all things pickle related and she read online that in April, Bath and Body Works would be offering said Pickle Candle so she wanted to buy it.

I know of new candle scents coming, but there was no pickles listed that I knew about and said as much when asked.  When she mentioned she read it online coming in April I stepped off to the side...and Googled to see, just how the pickle got out of the fridge and into the wax.

The story about the candle was a few down on the google list...and after reading it all the way through, you come to find it was an April Fools Joke.  Shared on Hip to Save as an April Fools Prank.

There were other candles "edited"for the prank article.

all photos credit to:

This was the first time I saw for myself some of what employees see/hear on a daily basis and need to help the customer when the product is not on hand, (or real).  And after seeing her sincerity in looking for this item, I felt bad for her.  That something that was a prank was misread and disappointment came from it.

I always try to make sure that the info I share is accurate.  Or as accurate as I can be in seeing verification and knowing it is true.  There are things, yes, that I see paperwork on, or I hear and then later get cancelled and don't release.  Or they get changed up in some ways, or release in test stores only.  My want is for this archive space to be somewhere info is shared to look back on, as a resource always.

Today's encounter was a reminder for me to always be diligent. 

And PS. #bathandbodyworks  A cute, off the beaten path collection of candles wouldn't hurt now and again.  Limited Edition Randoms... just not Gasoline....eww.