Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bye Bye Summer....Hello Autumn

September 2, 2015
Labor Day is but a few days from now.  Where did the summer go?
The one thing about summer coming to a close is that tomorrow much of that summer "stuff " at B&BW is going to be priced at half off... if your looking for that. 
Personally, I have been over that for months now. #pumpkinmealready  
These last few weeks have been crazy busy for me.  Between keeping up with the blog, the blog sale, Face Book daily updates...and life in general here (a few funerals as it turned out these past weeks) I am continuing to get as much information on the upcoming things for September and October as I can.  I am trying to keep that scrolling blog post of all things bubbles and wax up to date to make shopping when this stuff releases a week from tomorrow super simple to know what is out there to be had.
I was told today that the Testing of Holiday candles should start the 9th too, in case anyone is interested.... HA HA. Now that is what I was just that means stores know already they just may not be telling .  When I get the lists made, I will post them.  And no I am sorry I have no idea if White Barns are included.  #testcandlesonlinealready  #sickofsecondarymarketsales 
Whether or not they actually do it...well I am relying on my trusty friends to share with me pictures of what their stores have when they shop, shop, SHOP.  Until then, I am going on the word of those who know inside the stores.
I was also told today that there is going to be a Pumpkin Event something store...something fun and unique I was told to drive sales in the store for this floor set. My advice if you want to drive sales in  the stores...Stop selling everything online for weeks prior.  Duah.
I thought something was coming because I saw there is a First Look email coming too.  I really don't want to share when because when it gets out it gets changed. So that is something to watch your email for and be sure to register on the site if you haven't already.  (upper left hand corner of the home page.)
And where is this big celebration for the 25 years B&BW has been tickling our fancy with scent goodies?  I would have thought we would have seen something ALL year long to commemorate it. How about a cup or a tee shirt man..... ha ha.  #ivesmelledlikethisfor25years  #25yearsandscenting
Speaking of new, some of the new was ringing so I combined my online purchase that arrived this morning with a few things I picked up today to come up with this...(I have been buying other things I already shared on Facebook so be sure to check that too).
I am really liking that Perfect Autumn Day fragrance so far; it's a beautiful scent. Plum Cider Warmth is...still growing on me I think.  When I first put PCW on it's so familiar and I thought here we go again, redo.  Then it dries down and I can't help but to keep sniffing it to see how it changes on me.  I plan to wear these this week to see how they fare and I will be sure to share.
These are a few of the new items coming that I saw today:
I'm quicker to post on Facebook  those things I find before I blog so be sure to follow me there too for my insider finds now that we are getting ready to kick Fall and Holiday into gear.
Well I better get these new things added to the September blog post...
Before you know it...Holiday will be upon us....