Friday, May 24, 2013

Those three initials

May 24, 2013

Last night on our way to see the new Star Trek Into the Darkness movie we stopped at the mall first for my brother to grab a few things in The Gertrude Hawk store.....while I stopped for a few things at my play place... B&BW.

It was quiet in there, no other customers and just a few associates milling around trying to look busy.  They always greet me by name and ask what I was in there for....and follow it up if you need anything else.   They know as they are some who sell to me.

The tables were set according to all of the themes of the products with the most current....Pure Paradise out in front. 

I noticed the glowing body lotion tube now in stock there as it was online and decided I wanted to give it a quick try before heading out to the movies.

I was not impressed.  Yes, It's a bronzer...and I am fair and it puts out a slight tint of color to your skin.  But my problem with that is this....summer is HOT....and people sweat....and....if you rub this stuff on your legs and sweat on the car seats you are looking at a mess.

I went into our new car with prewashed- new jeans and got a nice blue cast on the seat....  You can imagine how unhappy hubby is.  Can you imagine adding to that a nice browny orange cast of color?  Um, no.

Even upper body...I am just concerned with transfer.  I use faux tanners and I call BS to any that say they don't transfer onto clothes when applied and dried before dressing. 

So I tried it....and washed my hands and moved onto the next sections of the store.  This store didn't have the new sales catalog yet but my favorite store does and I was told to expect pics tonight of the new-ness. 

But in walking around this store looking for new things there are tables already set up with Big Blue Bins of things on them with the same products I listed in my previous blog that are now 50% off online. 

And even though there are a lot of great items, I am pretty much stocked up on those and I am saving for SAS candles....and was waiting for the new things that came out today on QVC.

Isn't it funny how seeing something so familiar like the blue sale bins can make your heart race just a bit even when you are already stocked up?  Powerful things those bins....but just as powerful,

 Those three initials... S A S   ......  Puts fear in the hearts of husbands everywhere....