Saturday, May 25, 2013


The image gallery on the blog is now back up and running and the entire set Disney vacation pictures as well as videos are loaded.  I think there are two more videos to be compressed and loaded....

Next I will be loading all of the Bath & Body Works items I want to have stored on there.

It's so awesome~ in seeing the videos of the fireworks and the day and nighttime celebrations happening at Disney everyday.  Not everyone can afford a Disney vacation, and this one category on a blog page let's you experience it in a small way.  Plus if you are planning a Disney vacation, you can look at all of these places visited and see what appeals to you to plan into your own.

I love that I can add so many of these extra things right to my page... where this page limited me to postings, and pictures and links to Youtube.

Like I said, this is all a work in progress and you try different modules of codes to see what fits your needs and sometimes they ...  well, stink.   The last photo module zoomed in reverse on the two photos I had posted...go figure.... So you try another and see how that feels. This is not a premade template page....  which would be great don't get me wrong...I need more sleep , haha.....But I love having my own dot com page. 

Fortunately there are different options available with all of the extras, like downloading and saving both pictures and videos to your own Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter accounts as you view.

So if you stop by and you can't see a whole lot, you may need to log in. 

Well, I best get back to it...I went to todays event and got sooo much I want to get those pictures taken and that blog up.

Thanks again to all of my faithful readers here....I see the numbers on my page views still going up....and thanks again to those who genuinely want to join my community and take the time to log in.

Hugs....and much love..  T