Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bath and Body Works Free item Coupon buys

October 10, 2013
Today I found a few new things at B&BW that I grabbed and used that Holiday Booklet free any item coupon on.  There were two colors of the socks that just arrived...the white with gold metallic shown below and a pink and metallic both priced at $12.50.  There is a new pull down lip gloss holder priced at $5.50 and I grabbed the last three tree candle holder also priced at $12.50.  I used the coupon and got that holder for free.

The SA was kind enough to show me a boxed set of the mini holiday traditions candles priced at $24.50.  You get 6 of the candles ( winter candy apple, vanilla bean noel, merry cookie, red velvet, caramel and twisted peppermint in a pretty green printed box.)  While its not very cost efficient, since there is a 2/$22 candle sale starting tomorrow....and you can get big candles...three of them, for that is nice for those who want a great presentation for a gift.
And while there is a 2/$22 candle sale starting tomorrow...the rest of the Christmas scents are not included in my stores...only what is out already.