Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bath and BodY Works ~ Large Room Sprays and Stress Relief Luxury Bath

October 12, 2013
The Bath and Body Works in the mall I was in didn't have very much new out other than a few large can room sprays:
Japanese cherry blossom
Eucalyptus Spearmint
 and a Eucalyptus Tea Luxury Bath.
The candles were 2/$22.00 and the store had the Signature items buy 3 get 3 free. Other than a couple of new lip glosses coming in...there wasn't much to see.  I did get my Winter and Snow Day candles yesterday at a different store and as far as the clerks there said...nothing much else is coming until the next floorset.  So far, even with the tons I bought...Holiday I needs to get that snowman candle holder out to wow me.  :)