Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bath and Body Works IPhone Points APP

October 10, 2013
 When we left earlier today to go have an anniversary lunch out I saw the UPS truck stopping in front of my neighbors house and my husband asked me was I expecting anything.  I had not received a tracking number from Bath and Body Works after they confirmed my Iphone App gift so I didn't expect it to be anything for me.  Hours later now I had come home to find a very heavy package on my front porch and sure enough, it was from Bath and Body Works.
What a generous gift for doing something that I already love to do....Shop for their products.  ( I did so again today... he he)
They sent me seventeen bottles of their fine fragrance mist which included the new Amber Blush and Forever Red as a gift for entering all of my sales receipts bar codes and reaching 50,000 points.
Thank you so much Bath and Body Works for offering such a valuable gift.  I plan on sharing all of the scents I personally don't use with my friends that do.