Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Page Look

October 9, 2013
In keeping with making my blog always fresh and highlighting those things important to me, my page went through a bit of a facelift last night.  With hours of hard work done by my brother (thank you so much) we have changed the page up a bit to reflect our support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
And who doesn't love pink!
The look of the front page is now a bit softer as a reflection of this thought.  The page is the same, but we have added three featured areas of writings above my social media links.
If you click on any of those ...pinterest, facebook and twitter, it will take you to those actual sites.  I opted for the live feeds rather than the typical icon buttons.

The blogs are still here....just click the MY BLOGS button right there next to my logo and your brought right to the page shown below as it was before.  We just added a front page to highlight important things and eliminate having too much clutter all on one page.
And as always, thank you so much for being a part of my page.
Hugs~ Tess