Friday, August 2, 2013

A Happy Fall Haul ~ Y'all

August 2, 2013

I was talking with my brother about my blog and in helping me get all of the design stuff down he has been reading a lot of the posts I made so he can better aim the designs to my needs. We got to talking about hauls and what exactly makes our shopping experiences a haul so to speak.  Guys shop guy stuff.... those who shop Bath and Body Works haul.

I present to you...todays haul.  All purchased, I don't usually exchange items for new.  There are Halloween pocketbacs, Fresh Picked hand soaps and pocketbacs and Made in America hand soaps and pocketbacs.

But I must first preface this with a snippet from my hubby last night.  In looking for a new bar of the Bigelow peppermint soap he went down the hall into my B&BW cabinet....  *gasps.....and as he was walking back he stopped at my office and said, " Just what exactly are your going to do with all of that soap?"  He wasn't referring to hand soap (that's on the shelves in the basement) he was referring to the body washes and lotions and such in that cabinet.  I told him, "whatever I want."  with a smile.

Today I went into the B&BW store in my mall while he ran to the bank and as I grabbed just about one of everything off of the side walls... ( I forgot the dang ceramic pumpkin of course)  he came walking back in and the manager was toting the one bag back to the counter told him to come on over and see what I got.

EEK GHADS....noooooo.....haha   he looks like he would be much more comfy out on a bench in the mall looking at the puppies in the pet stores window. 

He stayed for a few minutes then retreated to the bench.  Afterwards he asked, " dare I even ask?"  To which I replied..."I'd rather you not."

The walls in the store are looking so lovely, it was fun now seeing all of the new fresh picked things all lined up for sale.  Some of them on were on sale, but the majority were not.  All of the fresh picked mason jars were lined up all colorful and pretty but my arms were breaking from the weight of the bag of soaps and pocketbacs I couldn't  examine them more closely.  I will tomorrow.

The other wall was full of the Sweet and the Sexy and I looked over each product there to see what items I wanted for free with my bouncebacks.  I was able to get two washes and two travel sized mists.

I loaded up on the new Halloween pocketbacs as well as grabbing the new spider holder....and the Squirrel.  I thought I had purchased this squirrel and it wasn't until I organized them all on hangers that I noticed I only had last years without the light.

That spider holder is cute for $4.00.

As for the lip balms that were shown on the fan fb page....and now people are saying they aren't B&BW....this store manager is not sure what is in store for Halloween to say with any certainty what lip glosses or lip products are coming for Halloween.  Time will tell.

So now I am off to put more soaps in the cabinet.... 

Happy Fall haul, Y'all.....