Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pardon our Dust.....

August 17, 2013

With overnight temperatures here dipping into the forties and days of blue skies and cool air, autumn is definitely fast approaching.

And with that, we here at  Life Inside the are busily making changes to our page to incorporate this wonderful feeling of Autumn.  Occasionally throughout the day today and possibly tonight, you may notice the site go offline for a few minutes at a time...but please is only to implement a few nips and tucks here and there and it must be offline to do those. 

Information shared at Life inside the is also shared here as well as on my Facebook page so feel free to check out all of my informational sources.  Some registered users only photo albums and articles on the dot com site and will be affected temporarily.

I want to thank everyone who stops by this blogspot page and then heads over to my Life page for taking the time to visit me there.  With less than three months of that site being up and operational, I have accumulated close to 100,000 unique page views from people from all over the world.  You are all very much appreciated.