Thursday, August 29, 2013

New items, New floorset, Deal of the Day & No Amber Blush

August 29, 2013

There was a new floorset completed last night and hopefully all of the pumpkin items pictured a few blogs back (pumpkin carving) will be out and finally ready for purchase. 

There should also be a table out with a few Halloween treats but not a full out launch yet.  Amber Blush was not scheduled to release today so it will not be out.  Although there is going to be a mini EDT preview of it, it just didn't come into my store yet.  I have read that some stores launched it early but they could be test markets for bigger stores.  A lot of other stores also have the new bottle designs out and we don't yet. 

I have two different markets available to me here and Amber Blush will not release fully most likely until next month, (I think its on my calendar for then) when the new bottle design releases.

Today is the first Deal of the Day and it is Wallflower $2.50

The online site has some new items:

smoke mercury glass owl  $16.50
leaves spray