Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mondays FRESH PICKED Floorset Scoop

August 13, 2013

This is what I know.

Oh, and before I start, let me again state I am not an employee of Bath and Body Works (even though my husband thinks I should be for all that I know about the brand).  I am just a huge fragrance fan who loves to write and share and journal all about the products that I love.  Anything that I say is always subject to change....as we know Bath and Body Works keeps a close eye on what their fans love and want and adjusts their schedule accordingly.

But as of today....

I heard that Mondays Floor-set was put on hold for now.  B&BW is going to let the Sweet and Sexy line out front for a bit longer...which is great for anyone who hasn't tried it.

The new floor-set was suppose to be the Fresh Picked line and since there is already at least three tables of Fresh Picked on the floor in all of the stores it isn't that there will be none out.

The new Autumn Signature Traditions are coming out, but they will most likely end up on the wall for now.  Look for them by the Twilight Woods section maybe. I am guessing they will move to front position for Septembers set.

I haven't heard of any Candle sales coming...but again things change fast....one could pop up over night online or in store so keep watching....and hoping we don't have to wait until September sometime for our next sale.  I know the holiday candle line (testing) will be out soon and I will get the list of those published so watch for them.  And I am happy to say that Winter Candy Apple and Vanilla Bean Noel body care items are returning.

Some stores said they will have more Halloween out for next Monday, yet others have said not until the September 8th floor-set.

And if you read my previous blogs, there is even more new online today to keep us busy until the next floor set.  Hopefully, we won't be waiting long.....