Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Make me Cake me and the Sugared Hearts Bakery

August 20, 2013

I am old enough to remember a time when a calculator wasn't allowed in school and it was considered cheating to have one for a test.  I am probably dating myself with that comment (49) but truth be told it wouldn't be a bad thing to get back to doing in schools since the majority of kids out working jobs where they need to make change....can't.   "Reading, writing and 'rithmatic"  are all super charged now in the age of computers and cell phones and the world wide web is your classroom.

If I needed to write a report, I had to go to the library...(walked really far)....waited my turn at the card catalog.....found the book shelf number.....went to the shelf...only to find it taken out by another classmate already.    Go back to the card catalog....  

You know what I mean.

Now, you get a subject...and click your mouse. 

And it makes me smile when I find something new, and I don't think kids now realize what it was like without all of this...without the age we are in now of social media everything and computer everything how would we ever know....about people in another areas....and what they do.

Last night while wandering around Pinterest land in my jammies while watching tv....( you can't wander around the library in your jammies, just so you know)  :)  I stumbled on the cutest little summer time heart cutout cookie.  And I blogged about it, after I tracked back and found a website.  And when I explored more of Make me Cake me  I found she has a Facebook page too and I wandered over there. 

While checking out her page I saw another extremely talented baker of all things good and sweet and will expand my hips to my feet.....

Sugared hearts Bakery  and she posted on the Make me Cake me Facebook page from her Facebook page

Just look at this adorable picture of a COOKIE.  I mean who could eat that.  Wouldn't those be awesome to have in your spa business as a take away after a Spa-day?  Such incredible talent these women have....

I will be adding their links to my blogs and I am sure they would love it if you stopped by their pages to take a look at their offerings.  Even if you never pick up a batter bowl or a frosting tube...I am sure a visit there will bring a smile to your face, as it has mine again today.

Take that card catalog....