Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wonder-Fall Buy 2 get 1 free day

August 10, 2013

I wasn't sure if I was going to get to the Bath and Body Works sale today with hubby working so hard this week including today but as luck had it, I did go.  The store was empty with three workers and two of them greeted me by name as I entered. I asked were they busy all day and was told no. I was hoping there would be some kind of new out on the shelves but as the manager explained...they are doing it in drips and drabs and they never know from one day to the next what is or isn't coming out.

It is as frustrating for them as it is me.  I did ask again about the Vermont Maple Soap as well as the Seattle Hazlenut and I was told it is in the back.  The new SA offered to go get it and the manager said no, it's not called for and she can't bring it out.  I did try the new Maple hand cream on my arm to make sure I had no reactions to this one and problems.  Why the Scarlet Pumpkin FP did react poorly immediately ....that is beyond me....and if it wasn't so scary I would have taken a pic so people would know I wasn't kidding or exaggerating.  Customer Service emailed me the list of things in it to compare with other products I use or may want to buy to make sure I don't.  That cream seems to be unique as far as I can see and loaded with different nut oils.  It's too bad as the scent of that cream is awesome.

So I grabbed my coupon items and wandered around looking for other things I may not already own and just grabbed three maple hand creams and three diamond pocketbacs.  I know the pocketbacs on sale is a better deal but there were only a few of these new diamond out and I didn't want to miss out.

The manager said the $4.00 TMC cream coupon had no limits and I could get as many as I wanted.  I was already checking out so I stuck with getting only the one.  I used the three maple hand creams as my purchase to get my free Sweet shower gel and did another transaction to get the free Facebook Fan 3 oz lotion also in Sweet. 

My first impressions of the Sweet when I smelled it a few weeks ago was that it smelled like a softer Forever Red. On my skin now it changes a bit...definitely floral and almost like a clean soap scent.

Had there been pumpkin things out...candles, etc....I would have gotten a few of those too.  They said they think those will be coming back out for the September floor set.... but there is another possible set on the 18th of this month so they may get the go ahead to bring out the Signature Traditions line.  I have read other stores have let a few of those sneak out of the back room already.  I have a box coming on Monday with those in it so I can see them then.

So this was my Wonder-Fall sale shopping day....I hope yours was Wonder-Fall too!