Sunday, August 25, 2013

The company directive

August 25, 2013

With coupons in hand, I went into the Victorias Secret store in the mall I was visiting to check out the new fragrances they have emailed me about earlier this week.  I didn't want to order all of those online in case they aren't favorable to my metabolism.  I also had a coupon for a free lacie thong and when I saw the woman who turned out to be the manager standing at the counter I asked her which panty was for the coupon and where were the new scents.

She told me on Tuesday, the 27th I could come back to the store and get them and directed me to the wall where I found an adorable lace panty for my freebie.  We got to talking about this new policy of releasing things mid week and how hard that is for those who don't me, to get to stores.  I mentioned that some stores will go in the back and get some new just to make the sale and she said she would but her stores new directive was to follow the companies directions.  That is fine...I have plenty of pretty smells all bottled up and shelved for me at home...and she lost a huge sale and I saved.

She said stores like hers and Bath and Body Works are doing more mid week releases to drive sales then.  Their stores are hurting for days of the week sales.  My thoughts at hearing that was are they are hurting because they charge $15.00 for two pieces of lace no bigger than my thumb and call it a panty and charge $60.00 for a bra that matches.... But who am I to judge... haha.

So I left there without my scents.  next...Bath and Body Works....

Last year at this time I made the phone call to Eastons B&BW and talked with an incredible manager there who then later,  throughout the year went above and beyond in customer service for me.  And when I called her she took the time out of her night to give me the names of each and every new HOLIDAY test scent candle that was coming out so I could place my phone order and enjoy a bit of the holidays on a warm August evening.

I sat for hours over the computer keys typing and typo-ing this list and finally before midnight when I had it all completed.... I posted this entire list on the Fan Facebook Page for bath and body works as well as the Sistas facebook fan page....everyone's first look at Holiday 2012 candles.

I was thrilled that here it was, Summer still....and we all would be able to indulge ourselves in some new-ness.  And as luck would have it, there was still a sale going on and we could use our EARNED survey coupons too.

Here we are a year later...and wow, what a difference.

I knew the new tests were coming out as I talked with someone in a store that let it keep calling as they are almost ready.  So I did.  One person said not yet...another said I have no information....and another said call back Sunday.

Sunday, today, I called Easton and was told...we are no longer a test store, we have no lists and we won't be selling any Holiday test candles here.  She apologized for any mis-information another employee may have told me and wished me a good day.

I called another store.  I was told they are too small of a store and are lucky they get candles when they launch.  We both laughed.  Her at her attempt to be at her lying through her teeth.

I called another store who when asked will they have the holiday test candles tomorrow....answered yes she will.  I asked if I could place an order tonight that she could ring up tomorrow as I assumed she was going to be overwhelmed and she told me I can't tell you their names. Caught off guard I said what?  How can I order a candle if I don't know its name?  She said you can't order them, I can no longer sell 3 wick candles over the phone for mail order.  I asked her when that policy started and she told me if I was unhappy I should call Customer Service but she has no holiday candles.  I said to her....wait, you have none?  She said I have none.... and she wished me a good day.


What the heck is going on?  Yes, we all have heard, read and know about this don't ask us because we aren't going to tell you anything (that is the truth anyway) directive now handed down from the company because they are I am guessing....upset that the blog-o-sphere has been filled with all of the sneak peeks of upcoming things.  And to that I have said time and cannot keep everything quiet, you have leaks in your higher ups---look at them.  And we in the blog-o-sphere are not the ones to blame it all on.  Social media is keeping your items a HOT commodity and people are sharing what they love with everyone...from Twitter to Facebook to blogs....and it has to be making your sales go through the roof.  I don't think you would offer a ceramic pumpkin for $125.00 if you thought it wouldn't sell.

If I see on FB someone in California with something new and I like it...for sure I am going to make a trip to my store and buy it too.  That should be how it works.

Be glad in these trying times that someone will go and spend hard earned money on a jar of wax.  And for heavens sakes....when we call and ask a simple question....please tell us the truth.