Monday, August 26, 2013

Holiday test candle headache....

August 26, 2013

What should be an enjoyable, make a phone call and look forward to having some new-ness by the end of the week has turned into this tangled, twisted bunch of stuff that has given me a migraine.

Yes, of course I am talking about Bath and Body Works Holiday test candle shopping day....and let me say a big thanks to all of the other bloggers who got the name of them  posted early today while I was at the doctor for hours.....and thanks to Emily Candles who shared her in store shopping day picture of what she got. Thank you all.

Of course the stores I called must have been overwhelmed with calls all day so by the time I called they were less than their happy selves. 

So I called customer service to ask what is going on....and I asked for the truth.  I was put on hold and then told that there is a new policy.  If you find out which store has the candles....they at CS can't tell you because she said they don't are to call that store....tell them what you want....and they are to give you a code number.  You then hang up and call customer service and give them the code and they are to take your order...and ship from there.

Not the store.  I told her that the stores won't out right tell us if they have them and they won't tell us the that is a bit of a problem.  She said to tell them that CS said to give me a code...and then they can.

To quote my favorite peanuts character.... "GOOD GRIEF"

Um, and UGH.

It is wax....not the secrets to the newest is a glass jar, with a cute sticker on it and in it hopefully wax that will burn well, smell up my home for a bit leaving me with an empty glass, soot on my walls.... and a good memory.  That is not always the case but I am trying to be positive.  :)