Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bath and Body Works Autumn Signature Traditions

August 13, 2013

The UPS man brought my small B&BW order today earlier but I didn't take the time until now to blog about these few new items.

Next week the Signature Autumn Fragrances will be hitting the stores in a low key release.  These were available early online and that's where I purchased mine last week.  I decided to get the travel sizes first as I wasn't sure what to expect with each scent other than the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin.

I have seen posts from others on Facebook who have been able to convince their stores SA's to let them get them early and the reviews seemed a bit mixed. So much for no early sales... ha ha. 

My stores won't even acknowledge that they are in the building let alone let me smell them or see them.  Lately if something is set to come out the next day I may get to smell it just not touch it. And yes I find it as ridiculous as it sounds. 

So I turn to supporting the online more if it is something I really want to try.

I used the coupon code to get a free signature item and chose the Vermont Honey Apple full sized Lotion.

My thoughts:

I rubbed a bit of last years Honey Autumn Apple on my hand and the new Vermont Honey Apple on my arm and find they are the same.  No big surprise....everyone is saying that CS said it is a redo. And for me it's a soft apple scent...

I rubbed a bit of last years Dreamy Vanilla Woods on my hand and the new Aspen Caramel Woods and it too seems to be the same to me.  A soft warm scent...nothing overly loud or screaming out fall to me.

And finally I rubbed on some of last years Sparkling Blackberry Woods lotion and compared it to this years Napa Autumn Blackberry and found them both to be similar.

So often the same notes are used in various products....perhaps the concentration of each item may vary per scent but the basic scent seems, to me anyway in this case....to be the same.  Its not a bad thing mind you...Just the new names makes it confusing as we who purchase a lot hope for something...actually new.

But name changing draws people in to wonder what the product is all about...and a new name means more sales.  This year the fall line draw seems to be things with an American place name.  In the hand soap line as well now in Body care....

My advice is this.... when your store puts them on the shelf go in and try them out and see which signature scent 2013 agrees with you.... regardless of its name.