Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bath & Body Works | online finds | and updates

December 10, 2014
The weather men here have been reporting this storm for a week and two of the days we were to get covered in the Merry white stuff...we got rain (ice) and not much more.  Thankfully.  Then today the newspapers headline called the storm a dud and currently it is all out North Pole just outside my windows.
And any other time I wouldn't care about the snow.  I have my beast of a snow blower now to help me tame the flurries, but until I know what's going on with me, I really don't think pushing that or lifting the snow would be good.  So, can go back to being a dud any time now.
Todays Bath and Body Works emails were for the items that I mentioned last night as to come.  Why have a $12 candle sale two day before the $8.00 candle sale EVERYONE knows about... I don't know...but I guess for those who do online ordering, it is a help if they want something today.
The last candle to the WISH collection finally made it to the online site.  Better late than never I guess.
And Ulta Beauty started their five for $10 sale yesterday should you need some last minute stocking fillers.
Now let me talk about my Facebook page for a minute or two.
First, thank you to all who have emailed me with your kind words, and to those who have been commenting here as well.    I do recognize that sharing is a dual-edged sword.  And I do try to watch what I share, when I share.  But inevitably information gets out, sometimes before I say a peep.
All companies love the social media aspect to drive sales...and want the word out on what they have to offer to reach the largest audience. So then why complain when that sharing goes viral?
You cannot publish in your stores catalog the name of a candle and put next to it, exclusive for $8.00 candle day...and not consider every sales associate is going to share that with their drive sales. (this was pre-don't open your mouth or else time)
People who are avid fans of their products do know the cycle of we know what to watch for, and when to ask the questions.
We all know that the Spring test candles come out this time of year...  At one time, the test stores were sending them all over the creation with just a phone call.  And of course, like most things takes a few bad apples reporting damage from improper packaging (or not) and credit card fraud to ruin that on everyone else. Some say it skewed their test results.  How, I am not sure.  If you continue to "test" in the same areas (Ohio, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Michigan) all of the time how can you get at true perspective of your consumers needs?
So then there are stores that test the scents with no more phone sales....and those who live in the area, OR close enough to drive to it... there are those who will go in and buy them up, (or exchange old, clearance candles) and they will sell them through instagram or ebay for high prices.  
How is that not skewing things?
As soon as they come out...everyone runs to the store and snaps pictures and shares them private groups or on their own personal FB, IG accounts.
And if I shared the names and/or pics...???
All of the changes to the sales promos came about because information got leaked. Mainly the $8.00candle sale, I am guessing....
 Revel in it.  You plan on having candles on sale for a great price....SUPRISE US....offer it more than once.   Be glad for goodness sakes that people are spending on these things....especially with the unemployment rate so high....
I understand the reasons your telling your staff what you are about non disclosure...but perhaps explain it a bit better because there are a few who won't say anything even when your asking for help in finding things.  We as sharers for your company should not bear the brunt of the fallout with nonsense emails and comments to us about Spoiling it for Everyone.
Anyone with a FB,IG Twitter, Youtube, and Pinterest page shared information this holiday season.  Every private facebook fan group chatted up what they were getting and shared photos of things coming out.
But because the body cream went up a dollar...a few Bath and Body Works employees thought to defend the company at the expense of me...both publically and privately.  I don't need it.  I am not feeling great this holiday time when I should be...(I am true Christmas all year long) and I don't want to spend my time dealing with nonsense on Facebook.
So I unpublished it for a time.  It's not deleted, I keep it up to date like I do every day and when I feel better I will publish it again.
But that is not to imply I am not getting info or buying items and not sharing.  I still post in all of my other social sites. (as shown below).
I know....a lot of you liked the facebook page only because you probably got notifications throughout your day when I posted a tidbit or blog. These other sites and this blog offer those same notifications if you wish.
What all of this means is I am still doing what I try not to be disappointed. Like those pages that are available to get the notifications, and know that I truly appreciate the kindness so many of you have shown me.
Wishing you a great day today.....Tessie
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