Friday, January 25, 2013

Forever Red 3oz MIST $10.00 and St Patty' s Day PB

I am just in from the cold, again....after a lovely lunch out with my brother and a visit at my favorite place....Bath and Body Works of course.  I know I know, your like, who cares, get to the good stuff.

Well the store looked pretty today.  Not big magnificent changes that needed photography but a few new things from last night.  I did ask last night about the St. Paddy's Day hand soap and pocketbacs and they laughed at me and reminded me...."Tess, it is January....stop rushing things." 

Upon seeing them at the counter for sale not even twelve hours later I was sure to remind them of who was rushing who

So I passed on the soap for now as I want to wait for a good sale before adding any more of the new scents to my rather huge collection and I didn't like the sticker enough to pay the $5.50 for one bottle.  A Small collection would be under twenty bottles on the shelf....Medium, I guess fifty.....large would constitute fifty and over and over a hundred sure sounds huge. 

I did get the two new pocketbacs: green apple scent with the "luck of the Irish" sticker on it and the pink lemonade scent with the letters LOVE....The O being a shamrock and the V being a set of red lips.

I picked up the new home spray in spring, what lovely cans for the lilac, spring and refresh and renew scents.... and I got the new Forever Red 3oz size mist for $10.00.

These were prebagged with red ribbons on them, standing on a cardboard tower at the front of the store.....and who knows how long they are going to last at $10.00.    The Forever Red display was lovely, in the typical things they have offered before, and I did notice the jar candle box did NOT have a price on the sticker.

There was a red satin cosmetic bag with a heart shaped puller and ruffled edge, empty, for $9.50 and the roller ball and lip gloss wand was also available.  They didn't get the oil mist out yet for me to try so I can do that tomorrow.

There were NEW mini candle holder sleeves with a coral reef pattern and a white starfish on it for $3.50....very tempting for my summertime themed dining table.... and a larger sleeve with just the starfish.  I would have gotten the larger one if it had a starfish on it....but on second thought I still could and I could add a real starfish myself and other shells.

If I think of anything more I saw I will post it later when I review the Sicilian Orange candle when it comes as well as my thoughts on what the Italians smell like burning.  That made me laugh...the Italians burning...

Oh ya, we get hot alright....and when we do I can only hope it smells like Gelato....;)
much love.