Thursday, January 24, 2013

Test Scent Candles - Italian Line The warmth of Italy.....

The average temperature in Italy this time of year is in the 50's.  The temperature here today is a blustery 13 degrees  currently with a wind chill that is making it feel like 3 degrees according to the weather channel.  I think its colder than that as my eyelids froze a bit while putting out the garbage.  I guess the closest I am going to get today to those things Italy is my box of test scent candles that just arrived.

I had ordered my Taste of Italy candles last weekend in the 4 ounce size and they finally arrived today, all nice and frozen and slopping around the glass jars.  Monday when I learned the 3 wicks were available I ordered those as well and they should be here tomorrow.  

At first smell of each as I unwrapped the paper and bubble wrap from the jars, they are wonderful. Yes, even the pizzeria.  I will review each one in a little while as they warm up.  I am not sure if the cold changed any of the scents depth but I thought I would let them get room temperature before trying them.   In a week or so....a little bird told me....the next line will be ready for sampling...  I will be ready for those too!  And hopefully they will release in larger jars (if there is a 3 wick candle sale going on) or the smaller 4oz jars if not. 

I stopped in my local store to see if the reset I was told about had happened, or was it happening tonight.  They started putting a few things out and they said they were a bit disappointed in the lack of huge changes.  But here is what I was told so far.....Keep in mind not all stores are doing this reset until the new floor set planned February 4th so most stores won't have this information yet.  Mine is a test store so they are doing a pre-launch.

  • There is not going to be a Valentines Day event like previous years have had.  Should that change I will mention it.  Very disappointing.
  • My store is launching the Forever Red re-launch now, tomorrow, and Americas Sweethearts in a few days.
  • There is a HUGE over the top gift set going to be available, like Christmastime had, and it going to cost around the $125.00+ mark and be a bunch of products they told me. I will get that info tomorrow with a picture when it hits the floor.
  • There is a 3 ounce Forever Red mist bottle going on sale for $10.00.  Sign me up for some of those bad boys...with a survey I can get 9 ounces of fragrance for 20.00 and nice small sized bottles for my purse and gifts.  They will also have that size in other scents as well, I saw the floor set sheet and it is in scents like pink chiffon and white citrus, as well as twilight woods and the other top five.
  • The new oil mist is being set and I am anxious to try that. I want to see how it feels on my skin if it absorbs well or is greasy.
  • There is some new lotion....I think she told me the luxe lotion but she didn't have the sheet in front of her then.
  • The fresh picked in this store has not released the body wash and lotion yet but they a good many other items.  And she does not know of a definitive time they are set to FULL launch with the candles this line.
  • There are new pocketbacs in the Sweethearts but only two of the scents will be available. ( see picture below)
  • There are some new scentportables (plastic) well as the rubber ones I mentioned previously will be coming out tonight.

Tomorrow, I will check out what is new here and get pictures of those goodies I find.  Until then, I will be here...where the temperatures now are hovering at a cool....8 degrees....jimminey crickets that's cold.....trying out and reviewing my new taste of Italy.
buona sera

and much love.