Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I want my Italian candles Now!

Having heard from my CS  contact the other day regarding the new test candles coming out I took a chance and called a few of the test stores that I normally buy from to see if they had them in.  Ohio confirmed they were coming, and also confirmed the other test lines....so I knew that information was pretty much right.

She told me that in the next month they were told they would be releasing.

So I wrote my blog and shared that info.

Two friends emailed me later in the afternoon and asked did I hear about the test candles as it was all over the internet FB pages.  I laughed and told both.....who are also big BBW scent-scinistas ....that I put a bit of info on the FB home page as well as my favorite group page....BBW Sistas.  That info being that there are 3 lines coming....and named each line.   

I did not get into candle names....as the list I was given from my store was 9 long....and like everything test-wise...it is all subject to change.  I was hoping for the cannoli myself. ;)

One wrote me back and said her group said they are out for sale....and even if they are not on sale she is ordering some.

So I called the test stores. All of them.  Nada.  Three stores in OH.....and two of them said they never heard of such things,  ha ha.....and that they were being bombarded with calls and now they know what the people are talking about....while the other store said yes italiano is coming, but not for a few weeks.  The SA at that store was sooo sweet and kind, as always and told me I was welcome to call back and check. 

I called the TN test store and they too said they heard something may be coming but received no information, no names, no shipment to them dates, nothing.  And they too have been bombarded with people calling.

Personally I think they need to forget the testing phase and get to the "in store" phase as these candles currently have a lot of interest.  :)

Tonight while watching a few YOU TUBE videos, I checked out one of my favorite BBW  video bloggers Littleballadeer and saw she mentioned the italiano test candle line in her most recent posting. 

These are also some of the scent names she posted as the test candles.  My list varies slightly as I have two extras on it, so I am excited to see what makes the test cut in the next few weeks.

So far none of the test stores are confirming that they received any candles yet...I personally plan on checking back often to see if they have updated any release dates.  And sale or not, I too will be buying these.

Littleballadeers Name List
  • Bellini CafĂ©
  • Pizzeria
  • Gelato
  • Espresso Bar
  • Limoncello
  • Sicilian Orange
  • Tuscan Herbs