Friday, January 18, 2013

Resistance is futile.....

I am just in from a shopping mini trip (mini as in under $60.00)  to Bath and Body Works tonight and I am excited at all of the things I saw and heard about.  This time next week, my store is doing its reset for Valentines Day (only a few in certain districts are allowed to) Forever Red and Sweetheart Collection dominant,  and I was shown a lot of sneak peeks of new.  Fun. Fun.

One of the items coming was a rubberized scentportable, ....  kind of  like large pocketbac holders.  My stores manager said these are being marketed as perfect for using on cars rear view mirrors.  I like them to hang on hangers in my closet....or anywhere a fun designed scent is needed.  In Pennsylvania you aren't allowed to display anything from the rear view mirror.

I was shown one turtle and one daisy themed and they opened up in half, no sliding in from the top like the regular scentportables..... and she told me they have a bunch more and can't sell to me yet.  I will check out another store tomorrow to see if I can get that turtle sooner than the February release (or next week here).

While checking out the lip display, I saw a bunch of adorable little purse mirrors in assorted patterns like hearts and ice cream cones.... * I must well as nail files.......
alas, resistance is futile....   :)

I bought the canvas lined basket shown above ($9.50) which is pretty pricey for that basket, but I think the perfect piece to place in the bathroom to hold all of my fresh picked products.  This store did not have the body lotion or shower gel but did have the hand cream. I will try it later and write what I think.

I did get one of each of the new bags, and was surprised to see they came with tissue paper inside making them perfect little gift bags.  I do say little because they are little in size, but still highly usable.  I hope they will get those fabric totes back in again, I have some from years past and I use them daily for all kinds of shopping.  I am not sure what the weight these totes can tolerate.  They are made of the same material, plastic like the free giveaway totes.  At first glance online I thought they would be canvas.

I got the picket fence with the dragonfly on it sleeve and I found out it not only holds the bottles of antibacterial  soap but the large bottle of hand sanitizer as well. Way cute.  Perfect for the kitchen sink.

I saw the new mini candle rings---1.3oz sized in the pink flamingos as well as the metal edged flower rings that is on the new wallflowers....same colors. 

My stores supply of sweetheart trials size was pretty much gone.  The manager said one woman came in earlier today and bought 100 of them, and a couple with their daughter stood behind me getting their email printed coupon out talking about ringing each up separately.  I don't think limiting how many each person can get is the answer when stores run out of a trial size, I think the company sending a boatload in is a better idea. 

I am anxious for my trip out tomorrow to the other store to find out the giveaway item for the next event and to see what else came in that is new.  I always think that after Christmas I won't find anything I could possible use and then wammo....  turtle and ladybug socks......

I am weak, and resistance is futile.....
much love.