Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's to come.....

I woke up today to find  a good four or five inches of the heavy, wet, white stuff and after two hours of shoveling I took a few moments to make a quick snowman. He sits just outside of my kitchen window and while doing my dishes tonight staring at him,  I thought about going out there and adding some sunglasses and flip-flops to him.  Tomorrow I is Escape to Paradise time at Bath and Body Works now....  :)

So after a shower, I sat down to see what I want to order before my free shipping and 20% off coupons expire. I do have extras and I will be posting those codes shortly.

I was happy to see my previously posted information about the soap going on 7/$20 sale on release day today was correct.  I did laugh last night when my friend ....who works there.....  texted me and asked me were the soaps going on sale today.  I too have been waiting for the sale to start.  Tempted as I was to buy some at the $3.00 price online...$2.85 is much better.  Every penny saved is another pocketbac holder bought.  And with a survey coupon, those pennies add up.

Not long from now, there is a buy 3. get 3 free sale coming as well and I am happy for that as I want some tropics body scrubs.

I have not yet heard of any candle sales coming, and I will post that information should I hear.  Right now the only candles on sale are the 1.3oz....  3 for $10.00......    which still makes me shake my head.  3.9 oz of wax for $10.00 ????    The 4oz are regularly priced at $10.00 and go on sale for $5.00, so why would anyone pay more money for less wax in those minis? The presentation of the 4oz. jar seems greater than what 3 little candles would give.  I find with mini candles both BBW and Yankee.....I need to burn a bunch of them on a platter for scent and throw. 

I see a bunch of hand soap sleeves are now available online and I am in love with the dragonfly on the picket fence.  In a world covered in white currently, it's nice to see something to remind me of what's to come.
much love.

Botanical Anti-Bac Foaming Hand Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksCitrus Anti-Bac Foaming Hand Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksRose Anti-Bac Foaming Hand Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksBird Pewter Anti-Bac Foaming Hand Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksDragonfly Anti-Bac Deep Cleansing Soap Half Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksBotanical Anti-Bac Deep Cleansing Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksCitrus Anti-Bac Deep Cleansing Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksRose Anti-Bac Deep Cleansing Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body WorksBlack Nickel Paisley Anti-Bac Deep Cleansing Soap Sleeve - Bath & Body Works   - Bath & Body Works