Monday, January 28, 2013

Fresh Picked---survey says....

I am always grateful in getting discounts on things I love to buy for myself as well as gifts and the Bath and Body Works survey is one of those discounts I couldn't enjoy B&BW without. 

And because I am lucky enough to shop there often, I do seem to accrue a bunch of surveys.  As soon as some leave...a bunch more show up on my receipts.  Sneaky how that happens, huh?   

I try to do them as soon as I can to give an honest assessment of the visit and then I cut them off of the bottom of the sales slip, file the slip in my Paris shoe box, and staple them together in groups of ten for my purse.  Lately I am doing them online where I can type out my thoughts rather than speaking to an automated message system.  

And tonight while doing today's test store purchases that arrived I saw this little peep into the Fresh Picked display soon to come to stores.  I CAN'T WAIT.  Currently, the few products my stores have are on a table....These displays are adorable!

I just had to share.
much love.