Friday, February 15, 2013

Presidents Day events

I saw the one dollar shipping on a purchase of $25.00 code (bbwship25)   last night and the ten off of thirty coupon (8606)  as well, but I was hoping I could also post the 3 wick candle jar sale info as well.

So far, this weekend, we have only the 4oz jars on sale, (unless your own stores do a private 3 wick  sale).  Or they change it late at night like they have been.  And hopefully when they release the fresh picked line, they will do daily deals like they did last year and we can get the candles for $10.00 each.

I would think that for a holiday Monday, we should expect a 2 for / something sale.  But lately they have been holding back ALOT.  Which is really frustrating when they pretend they don't know anything when you call....and they are lying to you. 

I was told in a store that Monday there is going to be a sale on large jars, only to have CS tell me they have no info regarding that; they themselves won't know until Monday morning.

I have spoken to someone who said they don't want their info out there early at all because of the competition...I am guessing they are referring to The Body Shop.  Frankly I don't buy those products so as far as I am concerned there is no competition...but I get what they are saying to an extent.

While they love their fan base, of course...they are not thrilled with those of us who share what they know early.  Or so I was told.


First, I was born female so that makes me naturally NOSEY.  Um, duh.....  Next, you make a product I want.  Who told ya to do that?   :)  And we who take the time to find out about these products share that information to excite all of the rest of those who love your products and want to know if they should stop at the store at any given time to not miss out on something.

Not really top, top secrets that the raspberry mojito true blue spa is yummy......and is out!

I have found in working for another business, as well as in running my own, if you make a good product...offer it at a good price....and drive sales won't even notice if anyone else is trying to compete with you.  They are just a blur in the rear view mirror.

That being said..... please give us our dang 2/$20 candles......and step away from the gingham covered tables.