Friday, March 8, 2013

Fresh Picked #7 Bartlett Pear info

The missing fresh picked candle #7 is finally available in the White Barn Candle company store in Ohio.

They  currently only have it in the 3 wick which is NOT on sale....but I bought two anyway.  If I love it, I will get the receipt adjusted when they go on sale in a bit.  And if I don't I will exchange them out another time. Purchases today will ship out tomorrow as today is a holiday.

They currently do not have it in the preserve jar size either.  And the orange clove and vanilla coconut I mentioned a few blogs back as new to the store, not new new...the 4oz in those are currently out as well


  • White Barn Easton Town Center in Columbus OH (home fragrance) 614-475-0196
