Sunday, March 24, 2013

Same Bullshit.....different day.....

Really?    No, Really?

Grown women sitting in front of a computer with nothing better to do than bash someone they don't even know?  Where did I ever hurt you? 

For what? Why?  I mean I really don't get it....  Is my writing about soap and wax bothering you so much? 

No really?  Due tell.  Because I don't get it.  This pack mentality.

My adding one more blog to the mix was sooooo traumatic .... and people will not be happy until it's gone.

Anyone can come and take my writings, my work, my lists... my photos....all of my info and use it  themselves.....and that's just fine.  Everyone wants to know the test store lists and sales info....

But I post a picture from a PUBLIC page...of a thanksgiving candle, and a frog pocketbac holder and NEVER claim them to be my own...just what is coming out....and that is all I ever do? 

Saying that yesterday I must have used someone elses photos without their permission the reason why my blog was not open for public view....for a few hours overnight.  Your first thought huh? 

SAME....OLD...crap again......

Bashing me.....without cause, AGAIN.....without knowing for sure what was going on.... just a random insult about  me on a FB page....concocted by fools who get enjoyment out of bullying another human being and waiting for a reaction.....and then laughing and bashing some more..

Some, I would expect this from.....  But you?  I had more respect for you....